
We have a strong relationship with our counterparts in Colombia, which is part of the joint actions of the binational cabinet between our countries and the current collaboration agreements with the Energy and Gas Regulation Commission (CREG) and the Superintendency of Residential Public Services (SSPD) of Colombia.

We addressed with CREG regulatory methodologies in the hydrocarbons and electricity sectors, as well as best practices in social communication within a flexible exchange scheme. Likewise, we developed with SSPD a work plan for 2020 and 2021, resulting in more than 20 meetings to discuss topics, such as power transmission and distribution supervision, hydrocarbon market supervision, and human resources management practices. During the activities of 2021, the Superintendency of Electricity of the Dominican Republic (SIE) and the Regulatory Unit of Energy and Water Services of Uruguay (URSEA) joined this work plan.

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